Small Business Saturday: Practice brings improvement

No matter the business you are in, you need to keep improving. The new year is a good time to draw up a training or improvement plan.

It could be monthly or quarterly but you need to improve, not for competition sake but just to be better at being yourself/business.

I’ve been practicing chocolate chip cookie for a while now. I don’t know if the problem is from me or from the recipe but I’ll keep trying.

So i can draw a schedule like ;

January: practise cookies

February: learn bookkeeping

March: learn how to make packages etc

How do you find cake designs?

Simple, I google them.

Google is a cake decorator’s best friend. From finding designs to checking color combinations, Google is there to help.

We also teach how to find wedding cake designs and how to sketch wedding cake designs in our Beginner’s Wedding Cake Class.

Picture from Pinterest

All it takes is a simple search and voila, different designs to choose from.

Faulty phone camera

My main phone with good camera is down temporarily so I’m presently using my modest Tecno phone.

When I initially bought the Tecno phone, the camera output was okay but as time went on, it went down in output.

I can barely take any reasonable picture with it.

I was advised to download an app. The picture below was taken with an app. Though not the best quality, it is still better than my Tecno camera.

I understand that’s how Tecno phone behaves. Oh well, they’ve just lost a customer.

Cake trends: silk flowers

It seriously trending and in no hurry to end, the use of artificial flowers for cake decorating.

We don’t want it to end sef. Why? Because it saves T-i-m-e! Period.

Seriously, making sugar flowers is time consuming, breakage is high, drying during high humidity, a big problem.

Silk flowers are so beautiful. No just the flowers but the foliage too.

I hope this trend keeps keeping on. Don’t go away yet.

Trendy Tuesday: PJ Mask cake

Would you Love to know the number
1 thing that differentiates a successful person from an unsuccessful person?

In the words to Dexter Yeager “A person who is successful has simply formed the habit of doing things that unsuccessful people will not do.”

Success is a habit, it is not a
coincidence and one of the differences
between successful people and unsuccessful ones is “Their Habits!”

Start today to start practising the habits of successful business owners which includes:

Prospecting Intentionally and

ALMOST every day showing up and giving value and

talking about what you do with the

Did you get value?

If you are a parent with little children, you would know PJMasks cartoon.

There’s rarely a little child who doesn’t love this cartoon at a point in time.

Tutorial Thursday: How to measure sticky ingredients

Sticky ingredients like honey , black treacle, golden syrup, browning and liquid glucose can be so tricky to measure.

To ensure they drain out completely from the measuring spoon or cup, grease the spoon or cup with vegetable oil before you measure. The ingredient will slide out of the measuring spoon or cup easily.

For liquid glucose, dip the spoon in very hot water, scoop out the glucose, it will slide out easily.


Paw Patrol Cake

Wordless Wednesday.

Product showcase: Cake toppers

We make cake toppers too.


No. 3 cake topper by Gatsy Cakes. Price is N200.00

Our toppers are hand-cut. They can be made from glitter, shiny, glossy or dazzling papers.

Glitter number topper by Gatsy Cakes. Price is N300.00

We also make frame toppers.

Frame topper by Gatsy Cakes. Price is N150.00

We also make cupcake toppers to decorate your cupcakes.

Cupcake toppers by Gatsy Cakes. Price for set of 6 is N400. Set of 12 is N700.

Finally, we also make fondant number toppers.

Fondant number toppers by Gatsy Cakes. Price is N400.00

We are available to take your orders. Minimum 48 hours pre-order notice required.

Payment to be made with order.

Delivery charges extra. Pickup available.